you asked me once what it's like at a reggae festival. Well, when you took us to the drags the other day me and Chad we're noticing the similarities. We watched you and Kass walking through the crowd and said to eachother, "it's alot like this"...
Except instead of all those booths selling hats, pins,and t-shirts with everyones favorite racer on it... there's these booths selling more colorful goods, usually with Bob Marley on it. And also not pins so much as patches and flags...
And instead of the entertainment looking like this...
(pretty good picture huh!) the entertainment looks more like this...
Couldn't pass up an opportunity to post this picture I got of Kymani Marley doing his thing! (Bob's son) Did you know Bob Marley has ALOT of children? Well he does... he had alot of love to give!
And the people walking around look less like this...
and more like this...
I thought I was being sneaky taking this random guys picture, but the look in his eyes tell me otherwise. I mean the fact that he's looking straight at me, you would almost think we were bosom buddies. So, I'm not sneaky, so what. There were plenty of characters at the drags I wanted to get a picture of but the drag crowd is tougher and I didn't want to get beat up over a silly picture. I think weird people would know the exact reason some wimpy white girl was aiming her camera at them!
And the "pits"... not so much this...
as this...
One more thing. The air at the drags smells heavily of exhust while the air at the reggae festivals have more of the "herbal" scents.
There was so much exhaust in the air I was actually a shade darker when I left! In fact my feet were like 100 shades darker. Pitch black to be exact. Note the title of this post :)
Oh and the entertainment is WAY louder at the drags. It was so loud even with the earplugs! Tickled my ears.
Kassidy scored an autograph while we were there! (I can't remember this guys name)
How cool does Kass look sporting her new Ashley Force hat? Note how it matches her Ashley Force shirt. I thought it was cute that she dug it up (seriously... dug... her room is a sty) so she could fit in with the racer types :)
If there's no garbage can right were you stand... it's ok, just make you own!
We parked so far away. I swear it was like a mile away. Gramps and kass took one of these taxi dudes. They didn't take this exact taxi but I had to take a picture of him because he was having so much fun blasting his "Thriller" song. He would come up behind people and they would start doing the thriller dance. Oh how I wished I knew the thriller dance!
This will be a fun game. see blue hair lady? You try to guess...
Was she attending the drags??? or the reggae fest???
Now I know there are a couple people that might already know so don't give it away for the rest of 'em! Oh and there's no prizes either so it's ok to lose.
“The Ultimate Measure of a Man”
5 hours ago