Last Sunday I decided to embark on a crepe making adventure. I can't be sure why I have never desired to make crepes before but I have to think it must in some way be connected to a cruise I went on as a teenager where they served crepes... which were disgusting. So bad.
Stacey do you remember those? We went to the midnight party they were having? Ate a bite of crepe? Swore it off hence forth?!
Anyhoo mine were not disgusting.

They were heavenly :)
I think *not being an expert on crepes* that this is probably not the traditional way to serve crepes. This was more of a fresh berry crepe torte and I want to help you recreate it... if you so desire :)
I'm not going to put the crepe recipe on here because I think probably any crepe recipe will do. Mine was a little long and involved. If you don't have a recipe you like email me and I will be glad to send it. NOTE: remember the words long and involved before emailing. But good yes!
So you'll need to make my special Blueberry Blackberry sauce-a-lopogus. Based off of a Martha Stewart recipe I have. Anytime I have to make more than two changes to a recipe in order for it to be acceptable, I rename it and call it my own.

very simple. You will love it.
You will also want to make some Creme Fraiche. Pronounced { krehm FRESH }
ATTENTION: this needs to be started 24 hours in advance. (just thought I'd give you the heads upon that so you don't get half way through and realize you should have started yesterday) (believe me, I know how that goes!!!!)

(just now noticing my font is making the #1 look semi like the #2. please note : it is 1 cup to 2 tbsp. thx!)
P.S.- they do sell Creme Fraiche at gourmet supermarkets such as A.J.'s Fine Foods. I have full confidence you can make it though considering the directions consist of letting it sit on your counter for a day :)
To the creme fraiche I want you to add 3tbsp. of powdered sugar and 1/2 a tsp. of vanilla. Whisk together.
Oh yes. You can add fresh sliced strawberries to the layers if you want. I mean I did it and it was not regrettable in the least. In fact opposite!
So as torts usually go...
Start with a crepe. Spread your Blueberry Blackberry Sauce-a-lopogus on it. Add another crepe. Spread with your sweetened creme fraiche. Continue layering in this manner till you're torte is about 10 crepes high. Finish with a crepe on top. Add fresh berries for garnish and drizzle with creme fraiche.
Then prepare to die...

of heavenly love.