Friday, August 22, 2008
Like So Many Others...
I LOVE photography. What could be more fun or rewarding? I take way too many pictures of Lucy... well, not too many for me but sometimes I feel silly posting all my pictures of her. She's so cute I can't help myself. Not that she's a willing subject... sometimes she just runs and runs. It's ok though because I get practice taking pictures of a kid on the run. I look at all my pictures of Kassidy and Natalie when they were babies and I feel a little sad that i didn't think to try to take better pictures of them. And those cheesy (no offense to anyone I hope...just not my style) Sears, and Kiddie Kandid and all those mall photo places I used to take them are a little silly looking to me now. I have always wanted to have a studio in my home but we are a little cramped for space as it is. Chad won't let me hang lights from the celing in our great room. Why not I say... be who you are.