I got myself a new weapon for self defense...

yeah I know... you can't tell from the photo how massive this baby is but believe me when I say this camera is taking you down like a ninja.
think about it for a second. The pentaprism says ASAHI on it.
Say it out loud... ASAHI
Did you picture a ninja when you heard it aloud? Yes, I thought so.
Maybe next time I will plant my mug behind it so you can see how humongous it is. The camera, not my mug :)
I've shot 2 rolls so far. I get 10 exposures per roll and the negatives are a thing of true beauty. big. like the camera.
I decided the first shot should be a really ugly photo of myself. It was a brilliant plan.
... till I saw the photo.

I was unprepared for the ugly I beheld. Ha. Not such a brilliant plan after all.
There are very few photos I bother to give a title to. This one I fondly refer to as 'Ugly Me'
I love hate it.
Hate it because I really do look like that sometimes. Love it because I really do look like that sometimes.
I was talking to my teacher about photographing ones self and he brought up an interesting point that I hadn't previously thought of. It was the notion that people have a perception of them self and a certain way they want to be presented. perhaps the problem I have photoing myself is that I see myself as 'me' too much and not just a subject to work with. And I know he's right because I feel very uncomfortable when I look at this photo of myself.
That is something I will surely struggle with forever. How can I not?
Would you like to see something a little prettier now?
yes, lets.

I love that face.
This next image came from my last assignment. I was using the nikon to meter for the Pentax. I don't quite trust the meter on the Pentax yet. I have this one on film as well :-)

This assignment was quite interesting. We chose a poem and tied our images to it. Perhaps I will share what came of it when I get it back.
Other things you should probably know...
Today I climbed my grapefruit tree. Got the ones off the top. YUM.
also, set the smoke alarm off. Which makes Lucys legs shake, like when she sees a big dog. Is she afraid of dogs? Well I am so that would make sense I guess.
nighty night.