Remember that summer photog group I wanted to start?
yes... well I had just the right amount of interest and voila!!
Can I just tell you how elated this makes me?!?! very. Thanks to Kim and Troy and Amy and Mendy and Tara for wanting to do this!! Oh and not to leave out our coolio guest members Rhonda and DeAnn (out-of-towners)!!
We had a group shoot Thursday morning... we got to meet Rhonda (our friend from Georgia... not to brag but I actually already knew Rhonda ;)
Anyhoo... it was bloody hot. We are in AZ after all! I was dripping sweat, pretty sure everyone else was too! Even sweet Natty. I hired her to be our model for the morning.
Five buck and a slupree was all it took. (I think she's raised her rates since then)
She did awesome. Talk about a trooper. She didn't complain once! (so not kidding) She is fabulous :)
Here are some of my shots...
I'm so proud of my group! Every single person got some amazing shots, I'd love to share some with you but they aren't mine to share. There is this one Rhonda took that i just adore... She hasn't even posted it to our group wall yet but oh if she'll give me permission I will for sure post it here! (hehe... we worked on it at my house so I have it saved on my computer to enjoy)
If you missed the post about the photography group and are interested in doing this I am considering doing one for fall as well.
Hope you like :) !!
“The Ultimate Measure of a Man”
5 hours ago