this is the story of a girl, and her little sister. But mostly the girl...
This girl. Natty. Brave-brave-sir-natty.
On a whim i asked Natalie if she wanted to do the Dynamite Express dance camp last week. She got all excited and giddy like a girl... cuz she is one :) so we hopped in the car and drove her down there full speed ahead. You see I had this idea about 2 minutes before it began... yeah it was a total mad dash.
{ FYI- Dynamite Express is a dance team you can tryout for at the place Natalie was taking her ballet class last year }
While I was signing her up I saw that they had a dance camp for the little ones too...

So I figured
what the heck... and next thing Lucy knew she was being hurled into a studio in her little red striped dress and tennis shoes. I know what you're thinking... she's not in a red striped dress and tennis shoes... I said I was in a mad dash. If you rush me I forget things. like cameras.
She wasn't the only one who didn't fit in. As I looked in on Natty I noticed how all the other girls were all glammed up in their fancy dance pants... Yeah. Natly was in socks and dress with leggings.
She stuck out a little :)this photo is actually from the next day...

Which was a trick to get with all the crazy "stage moms"
as Katy puts it...
GLUED to the window. These ladies do not take bathroom breaks.
But anyway you can see that we helped her out a little with her dancewear. But i got to thinking that those dance shorts look pretty simple to make so when we weren't at dance I was busying myself with figuring out the "booty short".
They were pretty easy.
Henceforth she had a new pair every day :)
These are the ones she wore to the tryouts...

Which I'm not gonna lie. I totally tried to talk her out of doing. She insisted though. It's just that as I watched from behind all the other moms (what does that make me?) I couldn't help but notice that those other girls totally knew what they were doing and poor little Natly with her one ballet class behind her wasn't quite keeping up.
Katy { a.k.a the best stage mom in the world } gave me an awesome tip. On the last day go in and video the dance then go home and practice your guts out! And so I did. And I felt lucky to know Katy because even though most of the other moms also video taped the dance not a one of em taped it from the back as per the instruction from the best stage mom in the world. But I did :)
I tried the dance. I didn't get past 5,6,7,8 and 1,2...? huh? I'm lost. I thought all that dancing i do in my kitchen while i cook dinner was really paying off. Not so apparently.
Katy and her daughter were so kind as to help Natty figure out all the steps to her dance. They did it over and over with her till she couldn't help but remember it. You should see Katy dance. It's pretty impressive.
Katy... you totally would have made the firecracker team!

natalie and lucy reminiscing. Every day Lucy cried and fought me about going to her dance class. Which was shocking to me because her and Natalie play dance all the time. They even have recitals. She talks alot about being a ballerina. Yet every singe day she cried. I had to drag her into the classroom and run for my life out the door.
Till Saturday came. Class ended Friday. Saturday she decided she wanted to go to dance.
"the problem is Lu... there is no class today. Friday was the last day"and so she cried and cried for hours about not being able to go to class. So there she is looking into her empty class room. it was kinda sad.

Today the results were posted. As you can probably tell by the way she whipped her triple dimple out ( you can see it hovering just above her big cheeky dimple on the right... opposite of her beautly mark, makes for a very symetrical face don't you think? )
she made the team :)I'm not lying... look for yourself!

And her reaction...

A huge thanks to the lovely and talented Hannah and the best stage mom in the world! This would not have happened without you guys.
I hope we're not in over our heads. We are aren't we.
btw~ if your listening to "Sad Song" and wondering if I don't wanna live no more... well it's just not true. Theres just something I liked about this song (not the words so much)
...makes me want to close my eyes and sleep, and dance in the rain all at the same time.
"PETER JUST CALLED TO SAY HE SAW A SLUG EATING A CHIP"haha. best line in the whole song.