we went on vacation.

Well not really, but thats what we're calling it incase thats all we get this summer.
We took off Sunday having no plan other than to get the heck out of town. Headed north on I-17.
Not a big surprise we ended up in Flagstaff. We discovered their cool little downtown area. I've driven by it on my way up to Humphrey's Peak (a.k.a. snowbowl)

i had this unusual craving for chinese food on the way there. I almost never crave chinese ever since I puked it up. One of the worst puke flavors ever imo.
But we found this little thai place, it was really tasty! I can't remember the name, but it was hooked to this hotel...

Which we ended up staying at. The service was a little slow so while Chad was waiting for the check, I went to get a room. The hotel looked old so I had to ask...
"Is this hotel haunted?"
Of course it was. i am awesome at being in haunted places these days, I told the front desk lady of my fear of ghosts. She promised me a super un-haunted room. I was still a little leery.
I mean look at this place...

We were in room 302. The Jack Daniels room. it was actually supposed to be a two bedroom suite. It was more like a one bedroom suite with a wall in between the beds.
When we got home Chad looked it up on the internet. Yep. Haunted. he tells me that in room 306 (just two doors down) two hookers were murdered and thrown out the window. According to the source, males that stay in that room report feeling a hand cover their mouth and nose as to suffocate, which wake them up but then they can't sleep because they feel *watched*
I'd like to say that i also couldn't sleep. Not because of the ghosts but mostly because of the train that comes through town at 15 minute intervals all night long! So loud it was like I was sleeping on the tracks. It didn't help that it was blazin hot and the ac didn't work worth a darn so we had the window open as wide as possible. had I know about the hookers before this I would have sweated it out. or not stayed there at all is more like it.
note to self: earplugs & Air conditioner... bring em :)

This is me trying to be cool like Kelly. It didn't go so well.
Kelly... i feel a little bad coming to your neighborhood and not visiting. The problem is that at the same moment I thought to myself, "we should go see Kell" I also realized I don't have your phone #!! What's up with that!

So now that I've told you about the haunted hotel in which you shouldn't stay (but do go to the Thai restaurant... it was really good) I think I will let you just check out the photo's with out too much interruption. Mostly because I have about a zillion things I should be doing instead of this :)

We met a dog named Teddy. He was super cute. and super big. My kids are now saving for a goldendoodle of their own. So far they've raised $1.
That's $1 down $1499 to go :)

I hate that i chopped her hand off in this photo. I suck.

we had fun taking jumping pictures. This next one makes me laugh :)

ok... last picture I promise!

melts my heart.
You know it's hot when I abandon my camera for months! Point being... the weight of my camera around my neck felt oh so good!
i love you photography <3